Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Im trying so hard not to hold any grudges.
So hard that even when i know im close to collapsing by overworking.
I dont want to stop.
Say im stubborn, say im unreasonable.
I dont care and i dont want to care.
All i can tell you is that im protecting myself from
unnecessary harm.
I would not want to get back in there and cry home again.
Too many times already and i am freaking tired of giving them chances.
I dont owe them anything.
From saying no heart for baking your cake, to goin late to a party is mundane.
Now im innocently maglined, accused and indirectly provoked by people that barely
knows me, barely knows what i've contributed all these while.
You can try giving them a chance to inflict further pain to me by keeping mum
or acting stupid.
But i would not give you the chance to.
To those that feel that i pointed my finger at you, i dont give a hoot about you.
U can curse and swear and i would chill and relax.
You dont know me and i dare to say im more capable than you so shut up
and continue your stupid commitments in gaming.

Jac's 21st, more than a decade of friendship, its funny how time files
and the ironly, we dont have any common friends!
Then it was Mel's 21st.
Where there were missing and late guests including myself.
But things manage to turn out awesome.
Kinda envious that she has a bunch of happening friends.
But oh well, im frens of er frens too and all thanks to her.
The only thing that freaks me out was that Celine actually fainted.
Anyway, Mel bought us to 5mins @ lasalle for lunch.

Wayne trying to steal the shot, which i think he did.

Celine, damn eager to cut the cake into pieces.

After lunch,
We all accompanied Celine to get inked.
But the studio was too small to contain all of us,
so some of us waited for her outside, well
we waited at raffles hospital though.

Far's close up shot of me unawared!
So heres what shes gotten after like 45mins

Then it was time for sheesha before they gonna officially ban it in SG!

Im lazy to share more.
I guess i would sum up everything in 1 word.
PS: Its 130am!
Dreamland here i come!
Monday, December 14, 2009

I miss my blonde hair.
I want a new look this xmas.
The problem is.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Heya bear with me for awhile, i recently took up 2 jobs plus schools
starting next week!
Haven gotten my camera really, infact i do have it. Its just that
my bro is in Japan right now for a homestay, so i got to lend it to him.
I so wanna go as well =(
All these while, i had been playing cafe world.
I revamp my little cafe with the coming holiday theme.
For the time being.

Doest you guys have any plans for the day of Xmas itself?Im planning on a nice homecooked dinner do let me know if you guysare keen to join me =)I promise you good food and wine!Labels: cafe world, facebook, xmas