Friday, April 23, 2010
Aloha people.
Im back, more chirpy and lively now.
Anyone miss me? i dont check my nn stats anymore..
so i seriously duno who else is still reading me..
But anyway.. heck~
Im back from waffle town as mention on my fb..
I have greatly enjoy myself.
Makes me feel like a small little girl again.
Once again eyes almost popping out seeing the waffle upon my table...
Of cause! never ever to eat desserts with an empty stomach!
So i had a grill fish set for a start.

I swear i can eat this for breakfast everyday!
Comes with maple syrup as well just the way i like it!
Mash potato with a little twist...
When it arrives, i was asking DG ( my mysterious partner- super camera shy )
: " Wheres the "chap?" (sauce)
I thought they have forgotten about the sauce, i assume its dark brown, like the ones from
KFC..basically just the usual mash potato you would see...
But no... its actually very campbell soup like...
very similar.. but different...

Lastly, our main cast arrives
Its hard not to spot it from afar...
I ordered rum&raisin with blueberry coated all over the waffle.
I thought it was a super wrong combination... however,
it didnt disappoint me.
Guess whats the best part?
Its less than 20 dollars of a meal for 2!
Shiok not?

Ending you with my mummy shoes that i wore for the night...
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Goodbye the days of hardwork and nightlife.
Like what they say, all good things must come to an end.
The days at qi li xiang were one of my happiest so far.
No pretenious fakey friends, only down right honest ones.
Im gonna miss all of you.

Life's been more miserable ever since.
Its funny how misery loves company and it found its way to me.
Im so tired of the dramas and the metal abuse.
Weighing me down so much i almost felt like im like with nothing
but a fragile outer shell.
Moving away from the emos, i caught Clash of the titans
I cant deny that im freaking disappointed!
I tell you why.
Boring start and low climate and easy ending.
And somehow it portrays a bad image of God.
I duno, maybe its just me....