Sunday, September 12, 2010
Somebody pinch me so that i can start recording my life again.
I got my digicam, my Dslr and a brand new holga.
Yet im doing nothing with it.
I really need to start spending time with them.. esp my lovely Holga!
Chilling out at "ACTORS" bar with boy.
This is the conversation before we decide going over.
Sam: Baby, wanna go over to Actors? kinda cool there, you can sing there if
you want. It would be an open mic.
Chloe: Sounds good, but just us?
Sam: Yea why not?
Chloe: Are you hooking up with me again? Im already your GF!
Anyway it felt good,
for once i enjoyed drinking and getting a little tipsy without the need of worrying
the aftermath of self ignorance.

Its frustrating when you wanna have fun, but u aint sure if the guy with you
is trying to get into your pants.

I love the fact we share common interest.
Food especially.
oh yea.. talking about food, before that we went pasta de waraku too!
Thumbs up!!

He's not juz my bf.
He's my bff and my pet.
I think the only down side of this relationship is that we are probably
to into our own lifes and wants the best from it.
Sacrifies seems painful.
Oh well, we would come to that later when it goes out of hand.