Sunday, July 31, 2011
Im suffering from bad gastric.
Guess Gong Cha's earl grey milk tea the culprit probably im not doing well with the milk that they are using.
Ouch... ='(
My blog recently had been full of pictures of other chicks.
Now... im mega gonna spam my own pictures for this entry.
Was out on a shoot with May ling,
after im done shooting her, she took snapshots of me using her iphone.
its been so long since i had been photographed...
Kinda dont remember whats is like posing for photos now.

His name is Rex.
Random dog taken out by the owner for stroller.
I've never seen a dog this happy to be out!

Holding my black monster.
School's for...
Fun in class!!

This is probably how i would look like 4 decades later....


Tok tok Chiang~

We are funky clowns!!
Friday, July 29, 2011
Model: Joyce aka Forest
you can find her at Esplanade
Camera: Dynax 7D

Found out that blue eye shadows actually works on a black and white shoot.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Model: Jasmine Wong
Location: Waterfront park
Camera: Dimage A2 ( i would never use this for shoots again!)
Photography, Hair & Makeup : Myself
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Finally completed NDP x 3!
The last session was the sweatiest n the most satisfying one.
I got to deal with tertiary students instead of the usual secondary school kids.
I can't wait to graduate and move on. It's annoying to know that no one bothers to pay attention to you as a nobody.
Im not talking about physical attention more like a mental, sub conscious kinda thing. When you are somebody, they could emerge from any where with their big, wide, megawatt smile.
Unlike now, nowhere to be even heard.
In my heart I detested them. But facing the music. Im indeed nobody.
And, still dealing with unnecessary hurtful comments from people I barely know.
*flips hair*
At least they notice while I didn't even lay eyes on.
One more thing that ive came to realize, I'm no longer drooling over someone elses lifestyle.
The glam n fabulous somehow seems pathetic and pretentious.
Gotta admit, life is a lot better with Sam but I'm not sure if he feels the same though.
Blogger should really start incorporating with iPhone.
I can't even upload any pictures!
I'll go to bed n I shall spend some time with myself again tml just like today!
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Beach shoot with Deepa

Excuse my photography.
Camera lacks focus and proper lighting.
Phots, make up and wardrobe all by me.
Monday, July 18, 2011
Im struggling with everything im doing currently.
Im just trying my best to the keep the negative thoughts away which might affect me even more.
Biting my lips,
fingers crossed.
Moving on..
My new addiction

I've tried both and im definately rooting for Green Tea Macchiato.
Best of the best!
It takes my stress off for a while, best accompanied with music and a nice couch to lie on.
Ah... Heaven can be a place on earth.
One more week of working with the contingents from NDP to go!
I cant wait to complete it.
Working with secondary school kids wasnt exactly my forte.

The last week, we were basically down with manpower.
I went home walking like a jellyfish and slept like a log.
Tml's on the list.
Mock test.
Create a fashion look for JY
Fashion Shoot with deepa.
Romantic beach shoot.
Can somebody shoot me?
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Virgin fashion shoot with Rachel today.

Mum as usual told me what went wrong.
I must keep an open mind, stay focus and positive.
Credits to Rachel and Deepa.
Thursday, July 07, 2011
This is the second week of school and i already feel exhausted.
I quit my job with the intention of focusing on it completely.
Which i feel probably the first right thing that i had ever done for myself.
The below photos are
for evening bridal make up
I call this,
-midnight bluez-

This is considered my very first eye make up completely done on others other than myself. Cant deny that i do face a lot of problems.
I was please with the colors but not with my techinics.Im currently looking for models to do make up and a simple shoot during the weekends.
Interested readers (who ever is reading) if you are keen, do contact me.
Faces to practise are like my current "to-die-for" things in life.
Im ending this entry with a bowl of home cooked ban mian.
I did this from scratch, meaning to say, i make my own dough and boil my own soup!
PROUD of myself ^_^
Ingredients for dough (serves 4-5)
500g of plain flour
2 tablespoon corn starch
175ml water
1 egg
Mix well and set aside for an hour.
Soup base
ikan billis stock x3
ikan billis
salt, sugar and pepper to taste.
Other ingredients
pork lean meat
minced pork
(all meat season in light soy sauce and white pepper)
chye xim
Fried ikan billisFried OnionsOptional
Dead tired.
Good night!